The Station Stretch Program is a Grade 9 or 10 school readiness program where students have the opportunity to “catch up” on the core academic courses as well as work on issues impeding their success at the larger high schools. It offers support to youth aged 13 to 17 facing academic challenges, social and emotional difficulties, substance misuse, involvement with the justice system, and school retention issues.
The program aims to assist the student to complete Grade 10 in four core subjects successfully, facilitating them to re-enter the school system at a senior level. Support is provided to help students pursue their goals and education. One-on-one assistance is offered to address challenges at home, school or in the community.
This program, an alternative school in Richmond, is the results from the collaboration between the Richmond School District and Connections Community Services.
Our Youth and Family Counsellor assists students by helping them reduce social or emotional distress and develop life skills so that they can improve their school performance and meet the program expectations and guidelines
Every student that attends Station Stretch receives services ranging from consultation and advocacy to intensive counselling.
Referral is required from a school-district area counsellor.
For more information, please contact +1(604)644-5538 or